Sunday, March 14, 2010

Lounge pants

My weight loss is stalled, stalled, stalled and therefore so are my plans to make a few new outfits. I have patterns and fabric, but just can't bring myself to 'waste' them on a body I hope will be changing soon. So lately, I've spent more time on the couch than I have in the sewing room -- which took me back to the sewing room to whip up a quick pair of lounge pants from some flannel in my stash. They're baggy and generally shapeless, so I'll be able to wear them for a while, even if I do lose weight. They're not the type of clothing I want to be making, but there is some satisfaction in being able to spend an hour working and then wearing the cozy fruits of your labour.

I also cut a couple pairs of shorts for my boys for this summer, but they'll get sewn another night.

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