Monday, March 1, 2010

Giant re-organization project

There's been very little action in my craft room lately. Mostly, because it looks like a tornado ripped through it.

Luckily, there's a good explanation for all this chaos...I'm trying to make room for the new-to-me Grace quilt frame and Husqvarna Viking Mega Quilter sewing machine I purchased. Both are used, but seem to be in good condition. Unfortunately, there was 'some assembly required', and that job fell to my poor husband. He was a good sport about the whole thing. Hi Trav!

The frame is assembled now, but my room is still in such chaos, I haven't been able to install the machine or play around with it. My original idea was to put the frame in the space along the long wall where all the parts are pictured in the photo, but the frame is a monster at almost 10 and a half feet long, so it eventually had to be moved to where the long counter is (far right in the photos). The counter is now where the quilt rack pieces were, a book shelf has been moved, a china cabinet that I used for book and other storage have been moved out of the room, and I'm also going to lose a table and chairs that I used as a cutting table/space for my friends to scrapbook, but I think it will all work out in the end. There's just a lot of moving around to do before that.

Bottom line, right now my Janome is unaccessible, so I set up the Mega Quilter on a corner of the newly placed counter (with is also piled with boxes and other stuff) and tried out a little project for my son. He has a small, low-backed chair beside his bed. It had a grungy 'cushion' in a blah stained beige that really didn't scream 3-year-old boy. Sorry, forgot a before picture, but you can see the ugly cushion in the progress shot. I sliced open the top sides of the cushion (that create a pocket to slide over the top), then cut some Go Diego Go fabric to cover the whole thing. I had virtually no space, so it's a rough job, but I basically sewed the new onto the old and quilted it down with horizontal and vertical lines. Also added an extra stripe and some batting at the front seat, since the old cushion was too short. Not fabulous, but my oldest is happy with the result and it is much better than it was.

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