Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Kid clothes week -- day 1

Late last night (so late it may actually have been early today!), I finally got to my sewing machine and put in an hour of sewing. I used some scraps to make a pair of shorts for my youngest son. I saw a similarly patterned pair at Baby Gap for a ridiculous price, and tried to make a copy a while back -- unfortunately, they were on the brink of too small, so last night I made a bigger pair with the last of my remnant. This wouldn't normally take a whole hour, but after I finished, I realized the elastic I put in was way too short, and I had to re-do it. Apparently, my kids did not get the memo that they can stop growing so quickly!

I'd hoped to match the pattern lines a bit better, but I literally had only threads of material left, so it just wasn't possible. I'm not sure what I'll be sewing tonight, but both boys definitely need more shorts, so you might see a repeat!

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